

My name is Babak Shakiba. I’m an architect and a freelance photographer with a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Florence. The things that human beings all over the world have in common, are what interest me the most. The love for geometry and order is something that I’ve noticed every place I’ve been to. The magnificent renaissance buildings of Florence, the spectacular ruins of Persepolis and Acropolis, the astonishing temples of South Korea and the beautiful mosques of Isfahan, all share a common trait. They all represent a search for order through geometry and critical thinking. I try to follow the examples listed above both in my architecture and photography work.

My photos have been published in various Architecture books and magazines and since 2018 I’ve been working as a freelance photographer and have done jobs for multiple architecture firms and real estate development companies. I always enjoy getting to know my clients over a cup of coffee as I believe that listening to people’s stories and learning about their hopes, their ambitions and their dreams, provide me with the necessary tools to tend to their needs more efficiently.